Showing 26 - 50 of 172 Results
A Respiration Calorimeter with Appliances for the Direct Determination of Oxygen by Benedict, Francis Gano, Atw... ISBN: 9781147597547 List Price: $26.75
A Respiration Calorimeter with Appliances for the Direct Determination of Oxygen by Benedict, Francis Gano, Atw... ISBN: 9781146126038 List Price: $26.75
Experiments On the Metabolism of Matter and Energy in the Human Body, 1898-1900 by Atwater, Wilbur Olin ISBN: 9781148452814 List Price: $21.75
A Digest of Metabolism Experiments in Which the Balance of Income and Outgo Was Determined by Atwater, Wilbur Olin, Langw... ISBN: 9781146229647 List Price: $35.75
Fertilizers : Co-operative Experimenting As A Means of Studying the Effects of Fertilizers a... by Atwater, W. O. (Wilbur Olin) ISBN: 9781172065677 List Price: $18.75
Experimental Inquiry Regarding the Nutritive Value of Alcohol by Atwater, W. O. (Wilbur Olin) ISBN: 9781172124183 List Price: $22.75
A Digest Of Metabolism Experiments In Which The Balance Of Income And Outgo Was Determined by Wilbur Olin Atwater ISBN: 9781246469875 List Price: $35.75
Physiological Aspects of the Liquor Problem by Atwater, Wilbur Olin, Commi... ISBN: 9781248800270 List Price: $35.75
Physiological aspects of the liquor problem Volume 1 by Wilbur Olin Atwater ISBN: 9781236547170 List Price: $21.98
Digest of Metabolism Experiments in Which the Balance of Income and Outgo Was Determined by Atwater, Wilbur Olin ISBN: 9781130337648 List Price: $22.16
Digest of Metabolism Experiments by Atwater, Wilbur Olin ISBN: 9781130604627 List Price: $21.61
An Experimental Inquiry Regarding the Nutritive Value of Alcohol by Atwater W. O. (Wilbur Olin)... ISBN: 9781313375313 List Price: $22.95
History of the Menhaden by Goode, George Brown, Wilbur... ISBN: 9781278785486 List Price: $45.75
Physiological Aspects of the Liquor Problem by Atwater, Wilbur Olin, Commi... ISBN: 9781279696170 List Price: $33.75
Dietary Studies With Reference To The Food Of The Negro In Alabama In 1895 And 1896... by Wilbur Olin Atwater ISBN: 9781274976864 List Price: $22.75
Foods: Nutritive Value And Cost... by Wilbur Olin Atwater ISBN: 9781275776999 List Price: $15.75
Principles Of Nutrition And Nutritive Value Of Food... by Wilbur Olin Atwater ISBN: 9781275134294 List Price: $15.75
Methods And Results Of Investigations On The Chemistry And Economy Of Food... by Wilbur Olin Atwater ISBN: 9781274576279 List Price: $25.75
Dietary Studies in New York City in 1895 and 1896 by Wilbur Olin Atwater, Charle... ISBN: 9785518483439 List Price: $49.95
Respiration Calorimeter with Appliances for the Direct Determination of Oxygen by Atwater, Wilbur Olin, Bened... ISBN: 9781178151992 List Price: $26.75
Respiration Calorimeter with Appliances for the Direct Determination of Oxygen - Primary Sou... by Benedict, Francis Gano, Atw... ISBN: 9781293012963 List Price: $26.75
Physiological aspects of the liquor problem by Wilbur Olin Atwater ISBN: 9781236995667 List Price: $24.62
Principles Of Nutrition And Nutritive Value Of Food... - Primary Source Edition by Wilbur Olin Atwater ISBN: 9781294675389 List Price: $15.75
Dietary Studies in Chicago in 1895 and 1896: Conducted With the Cooperation of Jane Addams a... by Jane Addams, Wilbur Olin At... ISBN: 9781296588625 List Price: $21.95
Dietary Studies With Reference To The Food Of The Negro In Alabama In 1895 And 1896 by Atwater, Wilbur Olin, Charl... ISBN: 9781342900906 List Price: $23.95
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